
When she was three, they took away her mother because she was a ‘witch’. She remembers the mute acceptance on her mother’s face, as if that ridiculous accusation had been expected for a long time.

Four, and she remembers waking up in cold sweat, desperately clawing through the covers to touch her older sister, making sure she hasn’t been taken away as well. She remembers her father’s sad eyes resting much too often on her, his even sadder remarks that she looked so much like her mother.

Five, and she remembers the thrill she felt on healing an injured fawn. She’d cleaned the wounds and applied some medicinal leaves, and a few weeks later the creature was bounding about like normal. She remembers her sister’s eyes widening in surprise and the fervent whispers to keep it a secret.  Continue reading

Liar Liar 

He likes to find happiness in the slightest of things.

The smell of a bakery, the wetness of a puppy’s nose.

The flowers raining down on a particularly windy spring day, the tiny rainbows trapped in soap bubbles….. and her.

Though, to be fair, she couldn’t exactly be considered a ‘small’ thing- unless, of course, one was describing her height.

There was happiness in watching the grace with which she took others’ comments on her physique. The way her black eyes showed a tint of brown in the sun. How her hair, though short, managed to dance along with the breeze.  Continue reading

My IFFK Experience <

Last week, I was finally able to be a part of something I’ve wanted to experience for a long time- the International Film Festival, Kerala (IFFK). A lot of my friends had praised it to high heaven, so much so that even I (admittedly not much of a film-lover) felt like my life wouldn’t be complete without treading on its grounds even once.


So first, here’s a little something about IFFK. Its like any other film festival out there- a place for like minded people to mingle and cultivate interest in films of different themes and types. There is also a competition segment where the audience can vote for the films that please them the most. 14 screens were engaged for public viewing and about 13,000 people registered as delegates this year. We were asked to pay 300rs (500 for non-students) to register for a pass that would allow us to enter those theaters that hosted this festival. The cost was pretty low considering I’d have to pay at least 90rs to see one film normally- and here I could watch at least 6 films a day for more than a week! We were lucky we registered as soon as news got out, because a lot of my classmates were unable to register as there were no further seats available.

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Mystery Blogger Award!

It’s been more than a week since I last updated my blog, mostly because college has turned so hectic! Thankfully, this semester we have a LOT of papers I’m actually interested in, so this might go great!

I had decided to not do any ‘awards’ anymore, but since I’ve never done this one, I decided to give it a shot!

Thank you minionhead for giving me this opportunity! Guys, go check out this blog! It’s great! 😃

Anyway, here’s a small para about the award

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.

– Okoto Enigma


And now…..*drumroll*… the rules!

Put the award logo/image on your blog.

List the rules.

Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

You have to nominate 10 – 20 people Continue reading