Ought First Impressions be Emotional?


This feels strange. I’ve always been a very private person, mostly because I don’t think anyone would be interested in what goes on in my messy head.

However, I’ve always been interested in other people. What they say, what they feel… It’s like every person is a book with infinite pages and infinite possibilities.

I’m starting this blog today because I want to become a book as well. Is this blog for validation? I’m not sure. I’ve kept my thoughts repressed for so long that sometimes it feels like my head is about to explode.

And this- this blog- is my escape.

It will contain stories. Even poems. Sometimes essays as well. I do not want to limit myself or those who read my words to just one type of literature.

So please do give me a chance.

I’m not satisfied with being in the back of the bookshelf, covered with cobwebs. Not anymore.

Perhaps the bestsellers rack is too huge a dream for me, but I DO want people to notice me.

Notice me senpai!!!!!………..Oh.My.God I probably just ruined what was supposedly my first and only chance at being liked.

Oh well.  🙂