Mystery Blogger Award!

It’s been more than a week since I last updated my blog, mostly because college has turned so hectic! Thankfully, this semester we have a LOT of papers I’m actually interested in, so this might go great!

I had decided to not do any ‘awards’ anymore, but since I’ve never done this one, I decided to give it a shot!

Thank you minionhead for giving me this opportunity! Guys, go check out this blog! It’s great! 😃

Anyway, here’s a small para about the award

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.

– Okoto Enigma


And now…..*drumroll*… the rules!

Put the award logo/image on your blog.

List the rules.

Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

You have to nominate 10 – 20 people

Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)

Share a link to your best post(s)

Add the link of your favourite post

So the creator being Okoto Enigma, I thank him/her for creating this award!


1- Whenever I get sad, I scribble on my wall. By the time I’m done, I’m usually over the sad-spell as well! 

2- Wuthering Heights is my favourite novel of al time, because no other work has stayed fresh in my mind for so long!

3- I’m lactose intolerant and I eat a lot of ice cream. A LOT. It’s mostly worth it 😂



Well, when we consider recent posts, this one is my favourite because it shows my growth as a person. I’m actually quite proud of it!



1- Have you ever gotten into a fight while trying to be a peacemaker ?

 Whenever my parents are having a fight, I try to bring them both to a compromise…. only to have them turn on me together! I suppose they can both easily find common ground in their disapproval of my ‘Pig Sty of a room’.

2. When was the last time you cried and why ( wierd question)?
Last time I cried was because the book I’d ordered in Amazon finally got shipped to me. I found tears rolling down my cheeks the moment I saw the “Out for Delivery”. Truly a magical moment. My mother, however, Was understandably concerned.

3. How many times do you smile in a day ?(This is sort of an introspection question)
Too many times, really! It takes very little to make me smile or laugh. People compliment me a lot on my smile as well! Though, it might also be because I’m desperately trying to hide my resting bitch-face 😅

4. Did you ever have a crush on your school teacher ?

Not anyone in school, but there is this sir in college that most of us are probably a little bit in love with 🙂 It’s not that he’s extremely attractive, but his charisma and sense of humour are great! Also, he is a wonderful teacher!

5. Which is your favourite book and why ?

Definitely Wuthering Heights. Why? I can write a book on just that alone! The language, the story, the characters…. Not to mention the extremely intriguing setting! I recommend it to everyone! ❤

Now for my questions 

1- Would you rather be a writer who doesn’t read or a reader who doesn’t write?

2- Is there any book you know that was so bad that it should never have taken form?

3- Which is that one song you find yourself humming all the time? (Weird question)

4- The story behind your username?

5- The one thing you like the most about yourself
AND NOW …. the nominees

1 Pins&Ashes

2 VocalPendulum

3 Kira Scribbled

4 KiteRunner

5 Secret Smiles

6 bookabook3

7 Shonessa

8 Rashimb

9 Aanchal

10 Elaine

11 RollingStones

All these blogs are suuuuper amazing! ❤

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